A video about absolutely NOTHING!!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Have Ya'll Seen This?

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Stuff On My Mind Like: Keep Your Blog Fresh!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Little Holiday Booty!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry KwanChristmakah!!!

(My sister Myia at age 2 and me at age 10 on Christmas morning)
(My sister Myia and I last Christmas-NO FAT JOKES!!!)
Yeah, I made that up, and it's lame, but I'm pressed for time and words! I want to wish everyone the merriest and safest of holidays whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, or Kwanzaa. Spend this time with friends and family and be grateful what you have instead of dwelling on what you don't. Be thankful for that crappy job because you could have easily been one of the 550,000+ who filed for unemployment benefits last month. So you live in a cramped apartment or house? Guess what? So do I, but it's mine and I don't have to stand in line just to get a hot meal or a warm bed every day. Sometimes we lose sight of our many blessings. We take so much for granted because we've been conditioned to want more STUFF or the latest and greatest. I am so happy to be employed and able to support myself. I'm so thankful that I'm healthy, and I'm able to see and hear and walk and talk. So the next time you're feeling like you have nothing, just turn on the news. There is always someone worse off than you. Count your blessings and rejoice in this glorious time of the year.
I'm off to spend some quality time with my family. I'll be back on Friday to talk about the gifts I've received. Yay!!!! I'm still like a little kid when it comes to Christmas. Peace!
Monday, December 22, 2008
My First Artfire Sale-Whoohoo!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cheap-N-Chic Gift
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Turning Trash Into Treasure

Monday, December 15, 2008
Flame Porn: Candle Confections

Friday, December 12, 2008
Recession Follow Up!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Don't They Know We're In A Freakin' Recession?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pardon Me, But I Prefer Foodie To Glutton or Pig
Who am I kidding? I am a weekend glutton and a part-time pig-sometimes. I love the smell of food-particularly baked goods, and that translates into the scents I offer for my soaps and candles. For the life of me, I've tried to fall in love with florals, and orientals, and smoky scents, but I keep gravitating toward chocolate, cream, and vanilla-based scents. I find them comforting and appetite-suppressing. Weird, huh? When I burn my banana bread pillars, I don't feel the need to have a snack because I'm constantly inhaling the scent. It doesn't always work. When I want chocolate, I have to have chocolate!
So I'm off to make food-shaped candles while I burn my banana bread candle. They're always a big hit around the holidays, and of course, my family always waits til the last minute to order a bunch for their co-workers, friends, kids' teachers...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Flame Porn
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Move Over Etsy...

- Flooded marketplace
- Sneaky re-sellers
- Obvious favoritism: Same shops being featured on front page, gift guides, etc.
- Admin having shops and not disclosing that they're admin
- Admin just not doing their job of policing the site for breaking the rules
I could go on and on, but Etsy gets enough publicity from their top sellers. I'm here to talk about some up and coming craft venues. I've joined two of them recently in an attempt to hopefully stand out a little more. The first is 1000 Markets. I actually found this site thru a member of EAOC (Etsy Artists of Color.) It's a growing online marketplace for crafters and the look and feel is very different from Etsy. It's much more streamlined and "cleaner" in its overall appearance. I haven't garnered any sales yet, one because I've been busy and haven't been actively promoting it-yet. The second site is called Art Fire. I found this one thru Etsy Bitch. If you haven't visited Etsy Bitch, then you should check it out. This is a site totally dedicated to sticking it to Etsy by calling them out for every thing done or gone wrong. The talk is frank, candid, and admittedly, dead-on. Anyway, Art Fire is really cool because there are two sign up options: The verified and basic packages. There are NO listing/commission fees except for the verified package which is a flat $7.00 a month fee.
It's good to have options. This isn't an Etsy bash post. I like Etsy. I've made many friends thru Etsy, but Etsy isn't the only choice. Check out 1000 Markets and Art Fire to name a few. Maybe you'll find a new home for your handmade goods.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Like A Moth To A Flame...
burned by the fire. I love my candles, can't you see my desire? Okay, I stole that from Janet Jackson, but I've been on a candle kick lately. I made this strawberry shortcake one that I just listed on Etsy. I've been neglecting my flames, and I need to get back on track. I've been so consumed with soap lately, that I actually forgot how to make this friggin candle. Can you believe it? It's not rocket science, but I have my ways of doing things. The strawberries are made wax made just for embedding. I don't use soy wax for my embeds because its too soft, and I can't get it out of my molds. I just don't recommend soy wax for embedding. If you know of how to use soy wax to make embeds, let me know.
I'm off to make more candles. We're having a gift exchange next week, and I'm making a gift basket of my different offerings.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
That Darn Cat!
Every time I turn around, this little monkey is into something she has no business being into. Pepper loves my light box. For one, it's a box. Cats love them for some reason. I'm surprised she actually "posed" for this pic. Getting her to keep still is like pulling teeth. I love her though.
Yeah, it's a slow day. Can't you tell?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Well Aint I Just Miss Popularity Today???

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Who Knew.....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Last Day!!!
(Here's a pic of my weekend profits)
I have never been so glad to see November 30th in my life! I made a personal challenge to myself that I'd blog every day for the month of November being that it's National Blog Month or something like that. Unless I'm getting paid to be a professional blogger, there's no way I could do it every single day!In other sad news, my Black Friday sale has been a total bust! I guess the economy has taken a bigger toll than I imagined. I thought handmade would be the answer, but I guess I was wrong. Yeah, I'm more than a little disappointed, but you know what? I'm not going to let poor sales deter me. I'm still here, and I'm going to keep pushing on. I was reading an interesting thread on Etsy about crafters undervaluing their goods just to make a sale, and it has really given me some things to think about.
Well, I'm going to take a few days off to rest my fingers and to concoct some meaningful blog posts. Congratulations to all the sellers who've had a successful weekend. I'll blog to ya'll soon!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Give Me Body-Productt Body!
Friday, November 28, 2008
It's On!!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tomorrow's The Day!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
Of selling out all my candles, body balms, lip lushes, and soaps.
My website is being prepped for a barrage of sales.
I've got many new things for everyone-even males.
My gift sets have been packaged,
With the utmost of care.
In hopes that all the curious shoppers soon will be there.
So I'll end this little rhyme with a hope and a prayer,
That you all have a Happy Thanksgiving,
And I'll holler at ya'll later!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I'm So Disappointed....
Monday, November 24, 2008
To Sample or Not To Sample Before Purchase?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Does Advertising Really Pay Off?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I Just Sent My First Newsletter. I Hope Somebody Reads It!

Friday, November 21, 2008
Can Beggars Be Choosers?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Shyness Can Kill Your Business
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Not Just For Candles

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Are You Ready For Holiday Sales?

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Me And My Big Mouth!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Sneak Peek
Friday, November 14, 2008
It's The Little Things That Excite Me
With that being said, I did a little shopping on Nashville Wraps the other day, and I've already received my stuff! They are quick, efficient, and very reasonably priced. I won't reveal anything until November 28th, the day of the big Black Friday Bonanza sponsored by The Little Black Box, but I have never put so much thought into my own packaging until now. Heck, I've never put so much thought into my product line until now. I've many new things in the pipeline: I've got soaps curing that will be ready just in time for the big sale. Check them out here. That's just a taste of what's to come. Can't wait to reveal everything, and I can't wait to check out everyone else's goodies too!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Get Thee Over To Smitten Blog Designs
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Another Etsy Treasury but....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wishful Thinking....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hold On....It's Coming.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lessons In Failure
- Develop a business plan: Research the industry you intend to jump into. What are the trends? the pitfalls? Who is your intended market base? Is your product something you can sell online and/or in a brick & mortar? Is it product- or service-based?
- Develop your product line before you begin ordering materials. Don't make the mistake of shopping or browsing and just buying stuff you think is cute or may be a hot seller. That's where research comes into play.
- Research vendors before ordering. Not all vendors are the same. Choose quality over quantity. Order in small quantities before making large purchases. I am so guilty of this! What looks good online can look like crap once you get it in the mail.
- If you plan to sell your goods or services online, secure your domain name early. I like GoDaddy.com because they are so user-friendly. Also, research web host providers before choosing one. In the year and a half that I've been online, I'm now on my 3rd provider. I'm currently with WahmShoppes because I like the ease of it, and I like all the tools they provide. Not all are the same. Do a little comparison shopping by visiting sites that you like. At the bottom of their home page should be their web host and quite possibly their graphics designer.
- VERY IMPORTANT: Make and sell something you love, and ask yourself: Would I buy this? If you love it and believe in it, it will not only show in the quality of your work, but your customers will appreciate your efforts, and they will be your best advertisement. When I started, I was making everything-soap, candles, bath bombs, lotions, shower gels....but the quality (I can say now) sucked because I was trying to keep up with the Joneses instead of focusing on what I really loved which was making soap and making candles. My bath bombs and lotions were okay, but I wouldn't have bought it if I were a paying customer.
So there you have it. Just 5 of my many lessons in failure. I don't consider myself a failure at all, but a student of this growing phenomenon called the small business owner. What are some of your hard lessons learned?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Blogzilla-Day 7

Friday, November 7, 2008
I Scream, You Scream.....
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Worth Mentioning
- Brambleberry: If you want superior quality with superior customer service, then you have arrived! The old adage proves you get what you pay for. Brambleberry aint cheap compared to the many suppliers you can find online, but their fragrance oils are un-beatable. What I love most about them is the descriptions are dead on! I also love the fact that they tell you how the FO performs in the different soap- and bath and body-making processes. There are also many useful tools on the site such as a lye calculator, links to affiliate sites, recipes, scent-blending options, and pre-made kits. No, I'm not on the payroll. My one little poo-poo: They need an east coast distributor!!! My favorite scents: Relaxing, Oatmeal, Milk & Honey, and Orchard (discontinued I think because I don't see it on the site anymore.)
- Elements Bath & Body: Elements is a modge-podge of a supplier, if you will. I buy my labels from them as well as some containers and dry additives such as rose petals and lavender buds. They constantly run specials on their entire product line, and the shipping is quick! My recommendation: the labels!
- Southern Soapers: I love SS because they're in Virginia which is "around the corner" from me, so the shipping and service is quick and efficient. More importantly though, they carry some of the best-smelling FO's out there. When I'm looking for something truly unique, I go to SS first. I also like the fact that Kelly, the owner, often holds free online classes. I'm also a member of her Yahoo group, SouthernSoapers. My favorite scent? Spiced Orange!
Now, for the honorable mentions, and I have two:
- Sweet Cakes: I cannot stop raving about this supplier. Her designer dupes are dead on!!! Even the most discriminating nose would have a hard time picking the real scent from the faux one. I highly recommend SJP Lovely.
- Day Star Supplies: I buy many FO's here as well, and I love DSS for the variety. I swear there are over a hundred different scents available on this site. What I love most though is you can buy five 2-oz samples for $25.00. They too are very concentrated and you can get a fragrant batch of 3 pound soap with one 2-oz sample. I recommend Iced Lemon Biscotti, Cherry Meringue Bites, and Cranberry Yuzu.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
And The Winner(s) Is......
The top three overall faves:
Top essential oil supplier:
- Essential Oil University
- Camden Grey
- Brambleberry
Top herb supplier: (Do you say herb with a silent "h" like "irb" or hard "h" like her-b?)
- Mountain Rose Herbs
- San Francisco Herb Co.
- Atlantic Spice Co.
Top supplier for general soap and cosmetic ingredients:
- Soapers Choice
- Wholesale Supplies Plus
- Brambleberry and Lotioncrafter
- Milky Way Molds
- Brambleberry
- Upland Molds
One quick question: Is Bramberry on the take?? Just kidding. I'll be doing honorable mention in my next post which is no put down on the winners. Til then....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
If You Only Do One Productive Thing Today....
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Wax Woman Cometh
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
It's day two of Blogzilla!!!
I always read on other blogs about the blogger being tagged by another blogger. It's basically a "tell me a little about yourself" type of deal. It could be personal, random, trivial, whatever. Well, my buddy over at Milk and Cookeez tagged me. She's a follower of mine, and I never even knew she had a blog until she tagged me! How pathetic am I? Note to all you bloggers: Check out your followers-for good and bad!
Anyway, here are 7 revealing things about moi that I bet you didn't know:- I am a huge fan of the Polish singer Basia (One day, while in the south of France. My good friend, said I should hug an olive tree.....)
- I usually root for the bad guy in the movie.
- I sometimes polish my nails only to peel it off-usually with my teeth.
- I wish I'd gone to a regular public high school with a track & field program. I'd be a much better runner. Well, I'd be a runner....
- If I could do anything besides make soap and candles, I'd be a gourmet chef. But I'd probably be morbidly obese if I did though....
- My porn name is Lacy Hobart (It's the name of your first pet and the street you grew up on-or something like that....)
- I don't have 7 blogger friends to pass this fun game on to, so feel free to share amongst yourselves.....
Thanks MC!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It's National Blog Posting Month!!!
So stay with me as I turn into Blogzilla. I may be back later for another post.....