Saturday, January 31, 2009
New Blog Feature: Score This Soap!!
This week's score comes from Southern Charm Soap Co. This soap is definitely one of those "Why didn't I think of that...." She uses leftover soap scraps and pours goats milk M&P soap all over it and VOILA-you've got Happy Endings! Dig the rich colors and the cool texture. The scent is a potpourri of all the different scraps used, so each bar is a unique surprise. Southern Charm Soap Co. is available on both Art Fire and Etsy, so go score!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Art Fire Artisan Spotlight: catinalife

Thursday, January 29, 2009
I Made More Soap!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
These Bath Bombs Are The Bomb!
I love surprises. No, I'm lying. I don't love surprises because I have to always know what it is. Don't tell me it's a surprise because that'll make me all the more curious. I use to find my Christmas gifts as a child and carefully peel off the taped edges so I could see what the package was. I'm terrible, and I digress.....
So, I actually got a surprise in the mail on Inauguration Day to be exact. It was from my good friend Misty over at Burnt Mill Candles & Soaps. I happened to comment on her blog post about her bath bombs, and she so graciously made me one of her surprise testers. First of all I'm thrilled that she would even consider me, and secondly, I love bath and body stuff-especially free bath and body stuff:-D
Let me tell you right off the bat, I do not like taking baths. I've said it a million times on this blog. I have a thing about soaking in my own filth, and it dates back to my childhood. Anyway, I decided to use the bombs in a slightly different capacity. I used them as a soak for my long overdue pedi. I love watching bath bombs twitch and sizzle when I drop them in the water. I only used half of a bomb which was plenty, and not only did it make my water smell divine, it softened the water and welcomed my crusty feet with open arms! I tend to neglect my tootsies when the weather is cold because I wear socks or tights all season long. I probably let my feet soak about 20 minutes, and the flakes literally slid off when I touched my feet. There was minimal effort-just a few swipes with my trusty pumice stone, and I was done!
I recommend these bombs highly-for bathing or for mani/pedis. I don't know where she gets her yummy scents from, but all of Burnt Mill's stuff-candles, soaps, bath bombs.. are good enough to eat. Check her out today!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Snow In The Nation's Capital!
(You may be saying to yourself, "This dusting...?" It's major to us, okay???)
Okay, technically I'm not in DC, but I'm literally a hop, skip, and a jump from DC, and it snowed today! It's our first measurable snow of the season, and we get pretty dang excited when it snows here. It's not the greatest shot, but it's a beginning. Give me one major storm-ya know, the kind that will shut down EVERYTHING for 2-3 days. It's been about 5-6 years that I can recall that we've had that kind of snow. Ahh, the memories......
ps-If you're reading this ittybitty, I got the soap! Can't wait til it's cured and ready to use. Thanks, ma!
Risky Beads Is Afraid of The Soap Seduction
Snicker Doodle Sugar Bubbles. Maybe it's just me, but if I blog about another business, I try to give the owner a heads up that I'm shouting them out (okay, not all the time). This was a most pleasant surprise. The title of the post is called "Buy This So I Won't-Volume 5." How clever-although I wish she would buy it!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Yum, Delish, & Ooh La La!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Jury Is Still Out
I forgot to mention that I finally got the lye! I was so excited that I could barely contain myself. So of course, I had to make soap, but I aint happy ya'll! This was supposed to be my comeback soap, LOL, but it tanked. It's scented in Black Currant & Nectarine. It smells heavenly, but it reminds me of a block of solid, creamy peanut butter. I'm really pissed because I used the crappy soap colorants that I bought from that supplier I swore I'd never use again. My intent was to swirl this soap orange and dark magenta, but this batch refused to accept the colors. I'm going to let it cure and see what happens. The one saving grace with this soap is the cool peaks on the top of it-pure luck-my soap had started to set as soon as I added the FO. I'm gonna stick with this one. Maybe I'll add a new category called Ucking Fugly. This would be Ucking Fugly II!
update: I haven't even posted this and the soap is growing on me!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Move Over Carol's Daughter....
- Coconut Oil
- Palm Kernel Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil
- Olive Oil
- Beeswax
- Cocoa Butter
- Fragrance (I used Dragonberry)
I don't much care for digging my hands in the jar. I've ordered a few tall bottles to put my future batches in. I admit, it's not Carol's Daughter, but it does what I need it to do which is moisturize and condition my brutally dry hair. I slather this on section by section after I wash my hair with a sulfate-free shampoo and twist it all over. My hair stays nice and shiny for up to 3 days after which my hair is dry as a bone. I think I'll stick with this for a while. If Obama gives us a stimulus check, maybe I'll buy the real thing.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm Verklempt-The Soap Seduction Has Fans!
See what happens when Obama gets sworn in? Good things happen to me!
I love the name Milk & Cookeez, and I love Tammy, the owner. She's been one of my biggest supporter for the longest, and I appreciate it and her friendship. We follow each other's blog, and I faithfully check my blog roll daily. When I first saw the picture, I was taken aback. "That's me!!!" I said to myself. What am I doing on Tammy's blog again? I read the post, and Tammy's done her own Favorite Things list (a la Oprah Winfrey.) For anyone, regardless of fame or popularity, to publicly state that they love something you do or make, is truly flattering but for me, humbling. It's so hard for me to write this post because while I like to personally revel in attention, it's hard for me to accept public adoration. I always feel like there's stuff out there so much better than mine or I could have done something differently or better....Anyway, I'm going to accept this token of appreciation from Tammy, and to her, I say, you are the greatest!
Next, I'd like to thank another friend, Misty over at Burnt Mill Candles & Soaps. She is my candle goddess, and she's another favorite of mine. Last week, she posted about her bath bomb making efforts, and I was truly impressed, so I made a casual comment that while I don't like baths, I have another idea in mind for them. Well, lo and behold, I get a nice little package in the mail yesterday from who else but Ms. Burnt Mill herself. "I didn't order anything..." Then I opened it, and Holy Sh*t!!!! This sweet woman made me one of her surprise testers! All I can say is YUM!!!! I haven't even used them yet, and the bath bombs smell DELISH. I think Lemon Bundt Cake is my new favorite scent. I cannot wait to dig into these (I'll be posting on this next week-not as a tester, but as a fan!) By the way, they arrived in tact! Thank you Misty!
Lastly, I have a new friend, and I'll call her Ittybitty after her blog. I found her purely by accident. She is the follower of another blog that I frequent, and her photo just beckoned me to click on it. Ms. Ittybitty is a budding soapstress, and she blogs about her trials, and I look forward to them:-) She made this batch of soap now called Mintal Forest. This is a cool, funky-looking soap because it's filled with tons of peppermint leaves. Again, I casually, okay, I blatantly say, no insist, that she send me a bar when it cures. She's sending it to me! I'll blog about that too. Thanks Itty....!
See, basically all ya have to do is ask, and ye shall receive. I love my friends! Thank you all, and I look forward to all the good things to come.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Bitch Post #2-UPS Is On My Sh*t List!
Before, I reveal why UPS is on my sh*tlist, I must give you the backdrop to this story: I haven't told anyone this til now, but I am going thru a serious soaping withdrawal. I need a fix bad!!! I haven't made any CP soap since November, and I'm about to set it off!Everybody Sing For Martin Luther King!!!
Today is a great day! Not just because it's a holiday, but because we are honoring a man who gave so selfishly of his time and his life for the good of all Americans. Peep this video from back in the day-'85 to be exact . See how many artists you can identify!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Inauguration Madness
It is mad cold here in DC and its surrounding burbs. I don't think it's been this cold since...I don't remember, but it's been a long while. One of my favorite comedians Earthquake said, "Those who said hell would freeze over before Obama gets in The White House wasn't lying, because that's how cold it is right now...." I'm really torn now about whether I want to participate in all the inaugural activities this weekend. When I tell you the city is in complete and utter chaos right now, I'm not exaggerating. There are so many parties going on this weekend that it feels more like All Star weekend than Inauguration Day. I just pray everything goes smoothly and with little or no drama. Here's my advice: If you plan to attend the outdoor festivities, dress extra warmly (don't knock long johns ya'll!), pee before you leave home (or wear one of those adult diapers like ole girl did when she drove from Texas? to Florida to beat down her husband's mistress-you know the astronaut chick), and don't even think about driving in DC cuz it aint gon happen Cap'n. Most importantly, bring your patience and get ready to experience something unlike you've never seen before. I'm betting crowds will top The Million Man March. For real though, if the daytime temps will be below 40, my tail will be on this sofa watching it on the tube!
Have a great weekend!!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Heart of the Matter
Remember back in the day (grade school to be exact) when you'd go to the drugstore or grocery store or general store, or whatever store and bought your box of Valentine's Day cards to give to your friends and classmates? I loved browsing the aisle looking at all the cute offerings, but I especially loved buying that big bag of heart-shaped lollipops with the "Be Mine" messages written on them. I especially loved helping my father pick out that box of chocolates for my mom. I, of course, picked out the kind I liked. Back then, we only had a choice of Russell Stover, Whitman's, or Brach's. I was partial to Russell Stover myself, but now, I'm a Godiva Diva all the way. I'll settle for Dove, but if you want my heart, it's gotta be Godiva (I'm so high-maintenance when it comes to affairs of the heart!) Seriously, though? I'll take the day after box of drugstore chocolates marked down to 50% off. It's chocolate people!!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Something New

Hey All,
This is a long post, so grab a coffee, tea, beer, whatever you drink at 7am EST! I’ve blogged briefly a few weeks ago about Art Fire, a new online selling venue for artisans (I like this word so much better than “crafter”.) One of my goals for the year was to become more involved with Art Fire building up my store and becoming an active member of the Art Fire community. I’m happy to report that I’ve actually done that. That in itself is a miracle being the lazy ass that I am. I’ve even joined two Guilds (the Etsy equivalent of a Team.) I am now an official member of Blog Fire and We Love Art Fire. Isn't Blog Fire the coolest name? I really love Art Fire because it’s new, it’s fresh, and I feel a true sense of community there. For every account that is opened, they plant a tree for the environment, and if you refer at least 10 artisans to open a store on Art Fire, you get a free ride (i.e., no fees) for LIFE! You can join at the basic level for free-no listing fees and no commissions, however, you’re only limited to listing 10 items, and you’re listings are limited (no categories, only 4 pics….) Or, you can sign up for the VERIFIED status and pay a flat monthly fee of $7.00 for life (if you’re among the first 5,000 to join). With the verified status, you can list as many items and as often as you’d like with no listing or commission fees, unlike Etsy. Another plus: you get shop statistics via Google Analytics. I recently closed my candle store there because I’m not really making candles as much as I used to, and I got an actual e-mail from the president of Art Fire asking me why I closed my shop, and if there was anything wrong that they did. How impressive is that? Okay, you can play devil’s advocate and say, well, yeah, he would contact you because they’re a fledgling site who really can’t afford to lose members at this point. BUT, the fact still remains that he took the time to personally e-mail me, and it wasn’t some lame auto-response either. That’s what I call customer service!
With all that being said, I’m starting a new feature on my blog called Chillin’ With…. and I’ll be spotlighting a seller from Art Fire. The spotlight will consist of a series of questions about the artisan and their artistry. My intent is to generate some positive buzz for both the artisan and Art Fire. If you are an artisan on Art Fire and would like to be featured, please leave a comment in this post, and I’ll contact you with the details. The first artisan will be featured on 1/23/08.
To join, click my link, and I’ll send you a nice token of my appreciation!
Monday, January 12, 2009
My Boobs Rule!!
Now that I've gotten your attention, my White Chocolate Bath Melts made a treasury today. I knew these boobs , er melts, would be popular. They made an Etsy Treasury today. DC’s got some talent! Shout out to all my CREST (Capitol Region Etsy Street Team) peeps!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
How Delightful!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Pour Some Shuga On Me!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Bitch Post #1: Listing and Re-Listing
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Vanilla Boobs?
Sunday, January 4, 2009
One Step Ahead...
I always pride myself on being one step ahead of the game (or at least on pace). Case in point: I received my download of the Jan/Feb '09 issue of Saponifier Magazine the other day, and one of the articles was Product Reviews. I was surprised to see that one of the products being reviewed was Brambleberry's Holly Berry fragrance oil. I was so excited because I bought this FO back in November as my one true Christmas fragrance. It's a limited edition FO, so I'm not sure how long it'll be around. The reviewer used her Holly Berry in body cream and MP soap, but I used mine in CP soap. The scent itself is a combo of holly, pine, and red tart berries with supporting notes of cinnamon and cardamom. There was a disclaimer that the soap would discolor to a peach/gold after 8 hours. That would have been so cool, but it didn't happen for me. My soap stayed the red and green I colored it. I really smell the cinnamon and pine more than anything making it perfectly unisex. I sprinkled a little gold soap glitter on it for effect. Believe it or not, I haven't used this one yet. It's going in the shower tonight. Bottom line: It is a nice addition to your holiday/winter collection.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I'm Getting Better!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My New Year's Resolution? I'ma Do Me!!!!