Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bitch Post #1: Listing and Re-Listing

I may have mentioned this before, but if not, I'm making it official: I AM LAZY!!!! I don't like to do stuff-especially when it's tedious and time-consuming. Where am I going with this? I'm referring to listing and re-listing your stuff on your craft venue of choice. I guess it would be easy to make a template with everything and simply copy and paste it when you're ready to list, but that would be too much like right, right? Why don't these venues offer it as an automatic feature? They sure would make a hell of a lot more money off of me if they did. That's why my shops often fall by the wayside, and that's why I'm doing myself a disservice. So all in all, I guess I'm more pissed with myself for being lazy than with Etsy or Art Fire for not offering a template, but they should!!! I'm sure I'm not the only other lazy ass out here.....

(p.s.-I'm turning into Oprah. I'm splattering my face all over this blog!)


Burnt Mill Candles and Soap said...

I hear you! I started an artfire account but I haven't gotten around to working myself up to listing all the products since it is a pain in the butt and takes time. maybe this weekend?!?!

Kharisma Sommers said...

Tony once said that google hated copied description. so by doing so, your products would appear low on search. even if you need to copy paste, add or change a little from one listing to another.

also i use notepad to record my descriptions that needs to be in every listing ;-) easy peasy!


Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Thanks for the tip Kay. I never took that into consideration, but I too am using Notepad to keep all my product descriptions!