Thursday, January 22, 2009

Move Over Carol's Daughter....

Cuz I'm making my own hair products now! We are in a recession. There's no doubt about that, and I can no longer afford my beloved Hair Balm from Carol's Daughter. It retails for $12.00 for 4 oz. Come on CD! You are pimping me and lots of other women out there! I'm not knocking their hustle, but I actually took the time to read the label, and you know what? I've got 8 out of the 10 ingredients in my soap making arsenal. Hot diggidy! I'm gonna make my own hair balm, and it didn't turn out half bad!

My balm is packed in an 8 oz. jar and it contains the following:
  • Coconut Oil
  • Palm Kernel Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Beeswax
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Fragrance (I used Dragonberry)

I don't much care for digging my hands in the jar. I've ordered a few tall bottles to put my future batches in. I admit, it's not Carol's Daughter, but it does what I need it to do which is moisturize and condition my brutally dry hair. I slather this on section by section after I wash my hair with a sulfate-free shampoo and twist it all over. My hair stays nice and shiny for up to 3 days after which my hair is dry as a bone. I think I'll stick with this for a while. If Obama gives us a stimulus check, maybe I'll buy the real thing.


Tammy said...

I think you should stick with that-what a great line, esp since you already have most of the products! that's awesome. I think you should also try laundry detergent! NOw there is the $$$$$. Imagine Patrices lovely locks and nonstinky clothes-I would buy it!

Anonymous said...

lol @ milk and cookeez, but she ain't lyin you should think about it.

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...


You crack me up!!! I have a loong way to go before I even think about that, but you've given me something to think about down the line.....

Chai said...

I love this! you're right about the prices @CD, I was at one of their mini locations yet again and couldn't convince myself to buy anything! I've even decided to buy some of their body things at sephora to rack up points..

Arnita said...

Girl, keep doing what your doing. I went their website and I know I can make my own. I am not knocking them their hustle. But I won't spend the money, I'll make it myself!

The more you try something, the better you get and so does the product.