Saturday, February 28, 2009
My 15 Minutes of Fame?

Score This Soap!

Friday, February 27, 2009
Good Bye Winter, Hello Spring Sale!
Art Fire Artisan Spotlight: Jewelry by Desiree

3. Do you craft full time or do you have another full time profession?
a. Coffee or tea? Tea (coffee is disgusting)
b. Cat or dog? Both, I had a cat and a dog growing up.
c. NY or LA? NY (I SO miss Manhattan!)
d. Paper or plastic? Paper
e. Fame or fortune? Fame, fortune always seems to change people
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Addicted To Blogs
Thank you friends and followers for introducing me to all these wonderful, exciting reads!
Speaking of exciting, head over to TheLostBoys who's having a giveaway!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
New Blog Feature: Rhymes With ______________

Monday, February 23, 2009
100 Soap Samples! What Was I Thinking???

Does It Really Do That? A Product Review
The premise of Smooth Away is that you rub this pad of super-granulated crystals in a circular motion over the areas where you have unwanted hair, and the hair is magically buffed away! The process is described on its site as easy, safe & painless. I found the process to be difficult, scary, and painful. I started off small-I wanted to get rid of my moustache (which just aint sexy on a chick). I must have rubbed my skin raw trying to remove the hair on my upper lip. When that didn't work, I moved to my legs thinking a bigger area with longer, thicker hair would be more successful. I did manage to remove a few hairs, but it took maximum effort and about 10 minutes of buffing my leg to an ashy shine. I immediately used the lotion provided with the hair removal pads to soothe my chaffed, still-hairy skin. The moisturizer is key to this product because you will definitely need it after using this product.
In conclusion, I cannot recommend Smooth Away. It did not live up to the expectations it set forth in its ad. It requires maximum effort with minimal results. I do like the moisturizer though. I actually use it after I finish shaving which I've reverted back to. Check out the site and read the FAQ and make the decision for yourself.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Score This Soap!

Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
This Stuff Is Crap....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Why Do People Always Want What You Don't Have?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Bitch Post #3: If You Want Me To Buy It, Take A Pretty Picture!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Tammy's Soap Made A Treasury!

Think Color For Spring!

So, what are your spring plans?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Holy Crap, I'm On The President's Blog!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Cupcakes On My Brain!
Score This Soap!

Friday, February 13, 2009
The Soap Seduction Is On Mammalicious Finds!

Art Fire Artisan Spotlight: These Loving Hands
It's Friday-the 13th!!!! You know what that means. It's time for another artisan spotlight from the wonderful community of Art Fire. Before I get to the interview, I want to just tell you how I found this shop. One of the coolest features of Art Fire is each time you list a new item or product, it makes the front page! There are no treasuries to fight over or admin favoritism (okay, that was a cheap shot), but the point is, you get your 5 minutes of fame. This particular artist caught my eye because of this item. How freakin' cute is that??? Enough of my blabbering. Here is the interview:
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Jenni and I’m a yarnaholic. I live with my very supportive husband and 2 wonderful boys just outside Hamilton, Ontario Canada. My boys are my inspiration for many of my creatures.
2. How did you discover your artistry?
My mom taught my 3 sisters and me crafting from a young age. I have tried many things, mostly needle crafts. I taught myself to crochet with a Reader’s Digest Needlework Encyclopedia. My youngest sister wanted to learn to crochet so she could make an amigurumi snail. I thought the little creatures in the pattern book were so cute, I started designing some of my own. I got requests for patterns for my creatures, so I started writing patterns too.
3. Do you craft full time or do you have another full time profession?
I would love to craft full time… maybe some day soon. Besides my hooking, I am a full time domestic goddess and part time school bus driver.
4. What brought you to Artfire?
I started off selling on Etsy. I belong to the Etsyhookers Team and we were talking about the different online venues available. A fellow hooker (valeriesgallery) recommended I check out Artfire. I liked what I saw and here I am.
5. What are some of your favorite materials or supplies to use?
I love acrylic yarns. The color possibilities are endless, they are washable, easy to work with, lots of textures available, and affordable. I have recently started working with some wool and natural fiber blends (bamboo, soy, Seacell), mostly because one of my sisters spins and dyes and always gives me samples to experiment with.
6. If you could learn to do any other craft or artistry, what would it be?
I think pottery would be neat to try (with a wheel).
7. Do you have a blog, website or other craft venue that you sell on?
I also have a store on Etsy under theselovinghands.etsy.com
8. What’s your overall impression of Artfire and would you recommend it to fellow artisans?
I love it. Very easy one page listing process, the low monthly fee with no commissions. My fellow artists are great. I’ve found quite a few familiar faces. Artfire staff seems quick to respond to questions/problems. I like the admin announcements on the My Artfire page, it’s an easy way to keep up with changes. I can’t wait to see what comes next.
9. Now, for the fun!!!
a. Coffee or tea? Coffee….double-double please
b. Cat or dog? I like both, own neither. Dog has a few more votes, but it has to be a big one.
c. NY or LA? Not sure…either would be a vacation for me.
d. Paper or plastic? - paper
e. Fame or fortune? Fortune….Enough to give my family whatever they need
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Copper Cauldron: Best Damn $2.00 I've Spent In Ages!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Soap Seduction Is On jinx1764

Black Raspberry Vanilla Soap-Part Deux!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I'm Ready For Spring: Green Tea & Lemongrass Soap!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Blogiversary To Me-Giveaway!!!!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm doing my very first giveaway!! One lucky winner will receive 3 Cold Process soaps, 1 Skin Quencher, 1 Perfume Solid, and 1 Lip Lush. Your goodies will be packaged up all pretty and shipped to you US Priority Mail. Just visit my ArtFire studio for scent choices. You choose the scents you want. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment saying why you love handmade bath and body products, and poof-you're qualified. The winner will be randomly chosen using that random number picker thingy, and the contest will run til Feb 28th. The winner will be chosen on March 1st. Encourage all your friends and blog followers to enter, and good luck!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Peanut Butter Soap Revisited
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Thank You and Welcome!
Score This Soap!

This week's score comes from Bubbles Up By Bethie B (try saying that three times really fast!)
This Blueberry Cobbler Sugar Scrub Soap literally looks good enough to eat. The texture is so authentic. I can smell this soap through my laptop. It's made with goat's milk, blueberry yogurt, and bits of blueberry. Bonus: This soap is sulfate and surfactant-free!
I'm hungry for blueberry muffins now, so go score this soap!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Art Fire Artisan Spotlight: Bijoux Designs For You
It's Friday, so it's Art Fire artisan spotlight time!!!! This week's feature is all about Bijoux Designs For You. Enjoy!
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is April and together with my mom we make up Bijoux Designs For You. I am mommy to a wonderful 6 month old baby boy, I drink too much coffee and am addicted to beads!
2. How did you discover your artistry?
My mother has been creating my entire life and I inherited the “fever” from her. Her original love was sewing and quilting and she taught me how to sew when I was still just a wee thing. I never had much patience for quilting though! About four years ago we went to a jewelry making class for her birthday and were immediately addicted! The rest, as they say, is history!
3. Do you craft full time or do you have another full time profession?
Other than being a full time mommy this is my full time job, as well as my mother’s. I do waitress two nights a week as well.
4. What brought you to Artfire?
We have had a shop on Etsy since May of 2008. I had heard some buzz on twitter and in the forums about Artfire and decided to check it out. We figured that it was worth a try and have found an extremely supportive community there.
5. What are some of your favorite materials or supplies to use?
I am addicted to shells and mother of pearl. I also love to find cute charms!
6. If you could learn to do any other craft or artistry, what would it be?
I am totally envious of the polymer clay artists! If I ever have some free time (yeah right) I’d love to take a class, even if just to make some things for myself!
7. Do you have a blog, website or other craft venue that you sell on?
I have two blogs, http://bijouxdesignsforyou.blogspot.com/ and http://rougeriverbeads.blogspot.com/. We also have a store on Etsy http://www.bijouxdesignsforyou.etsy.com/ and supply shops on both Etsy and Artfire http://www.rougeriverbeads.artfire.com/ and http://www.rougeriverbeads.etsy.com/.
8. What’s your overall impression of Artfire and would you recommend it to fellow artisans?
I have had a fantastic experience at Artfire thus far. I have found the admin and the fellow artisans to be extremely supportive. Some bugs, but that is to be expected with such a new site. I’m so excited to see where this journey takes us!
9. Now, for the fun!!!
a. Coffee or tea? COFFEE!!!!!
b. Cat or dog? Both. Currently we only have a dog though, a beautiful black lab named Lily.
c. NY or LA? Depends on the time of year…right now LA!
d. Paper or plastic? Paper
e. Fame or fortune? Tough one. I don’t really need fortune but enough not to ever worry again would be nice!
Thanks for a wonderful read April! Your bead addiction certainly mimics my soap making one! Check out her wonderful shops and blogs today!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Oh Yeah, I Have a 1000 Markets Account

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Chai Tea Soap
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Kill Me Now!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
I Made Another Treasury: Whooptee-Freakin-Do!
