Thursday, April 16, 2009

Join Me On Blockhead Radio!

The Blogfire Guild of Art Fire (of which I am a distinguished member) will be featured on Blockhead Radio next Tuesday (the 21st) at 8:00 pm! If you don't know what Blockhead Radio is, I suggest you crawl from under your cozy rock and check it out. I discovered them through The Copper Cauldron's blog about a month or two ago, and I've been creeping in and out ever since. I don't know about you, but I follow a lot of blogs, and while I don't comment on every single one, I actually do read them all. I'm a lurker, a silent creeper, and I only comment when I really have something meaningful, insightful, or cheeky to say. Here I go again, blah, blah, ramble....

Back to Blockhead Radio: It's an indie (fits right in with us eh?) radio station that features and spotlights indie artists-musicians, painters, crafters, you name it. There's a 24/7 online chat forum, and you can listen to tunes while you schmooze. I'm going to be online next Tuesday lurking and schmoozing. Hope you can make it!


Pattie said...

I hear ppl talk about it quite a lot so I guess I'll actually look this time lol

Pattie said...

ok so I went (and I have slight OCD) BUT the way it was formatted and looked I panicked and exited out *sigh* I just can't do it :(

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

LOL!!! I feel ya Pattie. It's not the most eye-catching sight. There's a lot to sift thru. I honestly make my visit in rounds:-D