Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm Such A Lame Blogger Buddy!

Don't you think when someone takes the time to not only read, but follow your blog, then bestow an award upon you, you should take the time to acknowledge them? Well I do, but I'm such a hypocrite! In the last month, I've gotten two Lovely Blog Awards, but I haven't even taken the time to publicly thank the two lovely ladies who gave them to me. WELL, I AM TAKING THIS OPPORTUNITY TO PUBLICLY THANK:

PATTIE @ Structured Chaos and

Thank you so much! I'm glad you find my blog lovely, and I appreciate your following. I know I'm forgetting someone (or two) because she sent me an e-mail telling me she sent me an award, but I didn't acknowledge. Girlfriend, I'm sorry. If you're reading this, please comment, so I can thank you too! I'm so lame, but I promise I'll be better next time. Charge it all to my head-not my heart!

I pass this award on to everyone I follow. If you didn't have a lovely blog, I wouldn't be following you in the first place. Now I'm off to drink myself silly to hide my shame....

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