Sunday, February 15, 2009

Holy Crap, I'm On The President's Blog!!!

Not Barack Obama (although that would be one of the highlights of my life!), but John Jacobs, the president of ArtFire. He's written a Quick Start Guide for increasing traffic to your ArtFire shop, and I just happen to stumble across the article while reading the forums. Well imagine my surprise when I got to Tip #2-Take clean, bright pictures.. and saw a picture of my Rhapsody In Fruit Soap! How thrilling is that?! I finally got it right! Too bad he didn't link the pic to my shop, but I'll bask in this small, personal accomplishment. I'm such a stickler for detail, and I obsess over my photos. I'm going to do a little happy dance now while I eat another cupcake (I'm such a cow...)


Ellia C. Naturals said...

Whoo-Hoo! Congrats,'s not only clean and bright, but yummy to boot!

Burnt Mill Candles and Soap said...

that is really cool! congrats!

Jenny said...

Thats frikin awesome! Congrats! You do take wonderful pics :)

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Thanks Gals! I feel really honored that one of my pics was chosen out of MANY.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome...Congrats! :)

egad apparel said...

Congrats, your Rhapsody photos look very professional. Now I know what to get my Mom on mothers' day. Thanks!