Saturday, May 30, 2009

Score This Soap!

Guess what? I was on Etsy last night looking at soap. I've yet to feature a score from Etsy, and it's about high time that I do! I get so overwhelmed on Etsy sometimes with all the different stuff I see, but I was persistent, and I found what I was looking for!

This week's score comes from Bathhouse, and the soap is called Tobacco Nougat. How cool is that?

"A bar for the gentleman who has a seductive power of masculinity, a hint of debonair, and a rustic late 19th century charm.{Perfume} Blend of Tobacco Blossom, Mandarin, Honey, Rose, Caramel."

Forget the guys, I would totally use this soap! I "favorited" it. I'll be buying it really soon. Check it out!

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