Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm A Versatile Blogger?!

And I thought all I talked about was soap, lol...Thank you Amy at Great Cakes Soapworks for bestowing the honor of being a Versatile Blogger upon me. Here's how it works:

  1. Link back to the person who awarded you. (Done)
  2. Name 7 random things about yourself (Click this link and you'll find 100)
  3. Award the award (ha ha) to 7 discovered bloggers and contact them to let them know they've won (Ok, ya'll read me on the regular, so...SURPRISE if you see your name:)
    1. Burnt Mill Candles and Soap
    2. Random Creative
    3. Duni's Studio
    4. Beaded Tail
    5. Crazy Cool Groovy
    6. IttyBittyFreeForm
    7. Living The Gourmet


Rose Clearfield said...

Thanks Patrice!

Pattie said...

Awesome award!

Admin said...

Hello added your link. Can you do the same .if you don't mind thanks