Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WTF Wednesday: You're #$*@ Embarassing Me!

Ummm, why do you people feel the need to take our pictures when I'm having a private moment and junk?  "Oh, lookit! Pepper's tongue is hanging out, let me take a picture...." Gimme a #@#$# break! I don't take her picture when she's pulling out that wedgy or scarfing down her food (Which I know she does just so I can't beg for any, but that's another day, another post.) All I'm saying is I'm a very vain species, and I do not appreciate being exposed and humiliated. C'mon man, WTF?!

She'll be back on Friday with a real blog post. I don't know what her problem is lately...


Burnt Mill Candles and Soap said...


Sparkle said...

Jeez, Pepper, what were you doing there? You look like you were eating peanut butter!