Yeah, I said it: LARD ASS! This has nothing to do with my weight (although this could be argued, but then I'd have to kill you..heehee). Remember that scene from the movie Stand By Me where River Phoenix's character is telling the story about Lard Ass exacting his revenge on the townspeople for making fun of his weight? I loved that story! Anyway, I'm referring to my first batch of soap made with lard-you know-the thick, white stuff that's used in some good ole southern-style meals. No? Okay, pig fat! Here's the inspiration for this soap:
The other day I received a very interesting and thought-provoking comment from a reader who wanted to know why soap makers tout their soaps as "vegan," or "vegan-friendly," and why soap makers who use goat's milk, lard, or tallow are viewed as the anti-Christ. Okay, I'm exaggerating her comment slightly, but her point was good soap can be made with animal products. That got me to thinking....I don't use animal products in my soaps-not because I'm vegan (farthest from it), but because I never had an interest or desire to make soaps with animal milk or fat. I have probably 8 oz of powdered goat's milk just sitting collecting dust. I just didn't know how to incorporate it into my soaps. I've read that they make creamy, wonderful lather. But the one thing that really got me going was lard. The name alone gives me the willies. I keep seeing that old coffee can filled with greasy, pork-chop-scented fat on my grandmother's stove. But, I had to give it a try. I went to the Safeway to buy a bottle of olive oil to use for a couple of batches of soap, and decided to see if by chance there'd be any lard for sale. I was really surprised when I found it sitting right next to the Scrapple (loves that stuff! Do you know what's in scrapple? No? The name implies it all! You haven't had good eatin' til you've had a scrapple and fried egg sandwich!). It was packaged in a non-descript white tub. It retails 16 oz for like $1.50. I couldn't wait to open it up, and when I did....EWWWW! Are you kidding me? It smelled like week-old fatback! I forget it is pig fat so it's not going to smell like a smothered pork chop, but I was just taken aback.
This is really a test batch (if it cures well and smells nice, then I'll sell it.) I made this with lard, rice bran, and palm kernel oil. It's scented in Almond, and I sprinkled a bunch of calendula leaves on top for "garnish." This almond is really strong. I like it though. I've never used it before, and I'm quite pleased with it. I think I'll blend it next time though because it's a little too sweet for my person taste. So, what do you think of my Lard Ass Soap?
I'd be willing to be that your Lard Ass soap is going to be a big hit!
looks great!!
I tried to make lard soap before I really didn't like the smell of it when it was cooking up. Final scent is good after cure but I can't get past the smell.
Also I figure I would rather not use animal products if I don't have to. I don't really push the vegan thing even though most of mine are vegan. Honestly rarely does someone even use the search term vegan soap.
I say whatever makes a great soap bar works!
I'd put money on it selling like hotcakes as long as you use that name...Lard Ass Soap!
I don't like those pushy vegan types that try and dictate what other people do or want. Personally, some of my favorite body products have milk solids/proteins. I once even had a body lotion with hydrolyzed silk proteins. WOW! I think your lard soap looks great, and I look forward to reading about how it cures and whether you like the end result or not.
I am feeling the love!!! This soap is starting to grow on me. I don't smell any "lard-y" aroma at all. This one's looking good!
hee-hee, again brilliant name!! lOVE it! :)
I've used lard before and it does lather like no tomorrow...and very creamy. I love it! :)
Great job chica!!
It's very pretty...
Love this !! Also check out our post on calendula soap -
Ha ha ha ha ha, Lard Ass! I love it. :) Your blog is hilarious. I have a lot of catching up to do!
Like wise! I love your soaps!!
Will be making a special place for them! Too beautiful for me to use!
Thanks to everyone for loving my Lard Ass, LOL...I'm so silly:)
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