Monday, September 28, 2009
Absolutely Friggin Genius!
File this series under "Why didn't I think of that?" I miss my mom's albums. I loved that static-y interlude in between cuts, and I miss album jackets! They were so cool! I used to break them apart and hang them on my bedroom wall. I wish I'd kept those. Anyway, I thought I'd take my trip down memory lane a step further by finding some "albums" on Etsy, and here are the absolutely friggin genius finds that I found (finds that I found??)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Oh Bloody Hell...!
Now that I've gotten your attention, this week's score revolves around blood. Yeah, it's a little morbid, but I have a sick sense of humor. With all this vampire mania going around-Twilight, that show on The CW, True Blood-this is the perfect theme, don'tcha think? Here are some bloody good soaps worth checking out!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Who Stole My Teefis?
I don't even know if I spelled that correctly, but in my circle, we have a nickname for teeth: teefis or teefus? Whatever, it's hilarious! I picked up this cute little mold and couldn't resist making these soapy dentures. It made me wonder who else had fake dentures, and look what I've found!
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Candle Mojo Is Back!!!
I've been "playing around" with the various types of candle waxes for months trying to find my niche, and nothing seemed to pan out. I'm a whiz at making those whimsical pie candles, but I wanted to validate my talent by making "real" candles like those fancy container and pillar-shaped ones. I sucked majorly at it. I could never get an even pour with my pillar candles, and I kept getting sink holes. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, until I discovered SOY WAX!!! I loves me some soy wax for so many reasons. It's all shredded up and soft. When it spills, it cleans up nicely and easily. And most importantly, I get a nice, even pour. I admit, I got a small sink hole on a few of my candles, but I poured the wax too hot, and I was able to quickly remedy it with my heat gun (None of my current offerings have sink holes).
I'm going to stick with my new eco-friendly soy candles. They hold scent like a dream, and I love the creamy appearance of them. I don't use any color to detract from the beauty of them. I've got them burning all over the house now! Aren't they cute?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Score These Soaps!
If you haven't guessed by now, I'm big on "interpretations". I love that we can take the same thing and put our own special twist on it. We soapers are some of the most creative artisans out there, but we don't get the credit we deserve. Yeah, I said it! Check out my score recommendations for this week. The theme is caramel apple all courtesy of some very talented Etsy soapers.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Etsy Admin: I'm In 4 More Treasuries, Now Make Me A Featured Seller!
Heehee!!! The talented crafters of Etsy have spoken: They love me! Please know that my tongue is in cheek as I write this post. I'm not bragging. Okay, maybe a smidge. If I don't toot my own horn, who the hell will?? I'm celebrating my success because tomorow aint guaranteed. I'm in 4 more treasuries today ya'll. That makes a grand total of 7 at one time and 1 alternate. I am completely over the moon! Check out the latest set! Thanks to Cape Cod Jewels, Ragamuffin Design, The Apple, and Good Lookin Treasures for all the love!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Holy Cannoli! I'm In Four Treasuries!
Yeah, yeah, I said "What's the big deal?" a few months back about being in Treasuries, but when you're in 4 at once, that's a big freakin' deal! Thanks to The Eye, Red Fenyx Jewels, Pepper Design, and Silk Design for the fab features! Click the pic to be taken to the Treasury:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My Cool Weather Must-Haves!
Thank you, thank you, thank you summer is almost over. I was born in the dead of summer, so you'd think I'd love hot weather, but au contraire mon frere! I love the cold and all of it's deliciously warm offerings. I've been on Etsy picking out my faves for fall and winter, and here is but a sampling of what I've found.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Interpretations: Pumpkin Soap
So it's only September, but it's never too soon to start advertising your Halloween goodies. Don't WalMart and Target start in July? Anyway, I've been perusing (one of my favorite pastimes) the shops looking for not just pumpkin-scented, but pumpkin-shaped soaps. The jack-0-lantern seems to be a popular choice, and why not? It is probably the most recognizable Halloween symbol. Anyhoo, here are some finds:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Weird and Wonderful World Of Soap!
Hey Everyone,
I've been on tweeting so much, I actually hit enter after I said Hey Everyone. Anyway, I've been looking for "unusual" soaps other than your garden variety bar soaps, and here is the wackiness I've found on Etsy. Aren't they totally cool?
I've been on tweeting so much, I actually hit enter after I said Hey Everyone. Anyway, I've been looking for "unusual" soaps other than your garden variety bar soaps, and here is the wackiness I've found on Etsy. Aren't they totally cool?
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Fruits Of My Labor....On Labor Day

Yes, it's Labor Day and so ends another summer unofficially. I spent yesterday with my family eating and drinking and just enjoying life. We all tested our blood pressures to see whose was the highest and lowest. I won-I've been officially named Dead Woman Walking. Seriously though, I have been much more diligent with making changes to my hectic and reckless lifestyle. I have been eating much better and working out. I can't quite get the sleeping part down. If only I can learn to turn my brain OFF, then I'd be perfect....
Anyhoo, I'm a creature of habit when it comes to getting on the internet. Here's my routine:
- Open TweetDeck. Yes, I'm addicted. Sue me.
- Quickly scan the gossip blogs. Yes, I'm addicted. Sue me.
- Check my Google Analytics to see where my traffic is coming from. Yes, I'm addicted. Sue me.
- Go to Craftopolis to check to see if I'm in Treasuries and to check my shop hearts. Yes...I'm anal-retentive with this one. Sue me and throw me under the jail.
- Go to Craft Cult to do a comprehensive check of my Etsy shop: gift guide search, heart search, view count, front page search...Don't even mess with me when I'm on this site. You're liable to lose a limb if you distract me...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Weekend Deals Courtesy of The Etsy SAFE Team
Some members of The SAFE (Soap Artisan Friends of Etsy) Team are having some great weekend deals. Check them out!

Bella Luna Crafts: 15% Entire Shop
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