Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Today's a glorious day! Why? Because I'm alive. I'm healthy. But more importantly, I'm free to do whatever the hell I want to! I can't tell the President to go f*ck himself and not get arrested or catch a beat down for it! That's a little extreme, but you get my point. You can't do that in China or Cuba-well you could, but you'd probably never live to tell about it.

For all it's faults and shortcomings, we live in the greatest country on the planet. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, and I've been to other countries-The UK and Zimbabwe to name a few. They're beautiful places to visit, but you know the saying.....but I wouldn't want to live there....

So, let's celebrate the indedpendence of our country and of ourselves! Have a good ole American hot dog and a beer (if you drink beer) and chillax! Here are some cool 4th of July finds courtesy of Etsy. Have a safe one. I'm going to get my eat-and my drink on today-and no I won't be driving. I'm staying overnight at the party scene! Talk to you Monday!!!!


Pattie said...

Happy fourth!! Thanks for the kind words :)

Juana said...

Hola Patrice,
very beautiful soap and yours words too...