Monday, March 14, 2011

Not Quite How I Envisioned It....

I wanted this soap to be a bright, obnoxious shade of pink, but I obviously did not use enough raspberry pop oxide.I scented these flowers in Perfect Peony. I have plenty of that fragrance so I just may try again, but I can't help to be disappointed at the outcome. I think I'll try again and relegate these to the Family Fug...


Anne-Marie said...

Dang! I'm sorry that your soap didn't turn out how you wanted. Good luck on round two!

Amy Warden said...

That's a bummer! Seems like it takes way more mica than I'm willing to use to get a bright color. Oxides are so much stronger, but they aren't bright pink. :) Hope the next batch turns out great!

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Awww thanks for the encouragement:D I will prevail!!!

Bee Inspired said...

They're still really darn cute!!

Felisa Casas M said...
