Sunday, January 2, 2011

First New Soap of 2011

Again Happy New Year! Is it me, or has readership fallen off? Nobody comments anymore, and I miss that (sniffle, sniffle....)!

Anyway, here's my first soap of the year, and it looks like I was celebrating a little too much when I made it. The colors are all wrong-but it smells nice! It's Wicked-version 5 or 6. This is the one soap that I change the design of each and every time, and it seems to get wickeder each time. Fool that I am used that brick red oxide which is really nothing more than orange/brown if you ask me...I tried to offset it with a lot of purple, and this is what I came up with. The scent is Black Raspberry & Vanilla-probably one of my top 3 scents of all time. I do love the black swirls though. This is also a palm-free soap. I'm really low on palm oil, so I'm reserving what I have left for a more elaborate batch I'm planning. I used extra virgin olive oil and unrefined shea butter, so my batter was a greenish-orange tint before I colored the soap. As a result, the top is kinda orange-ish-go figure. I really wanted more bells and whistles for this one, but I was so pressed to make some soap, that I didn't design my project before starting. Well, here's to you Wicked: You prove every time that beauty's only skin deep...yeah, yeah...


Sonja said...

Wow, you are quick making soap in the new year. I am still recovering....

Sounds like a really nice fragrance. It is on my wishlist ;-)

I am looking forward to seeing more creations this year.

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Thanks Sonja! My goal is to pump out 2 new soaps (brand new fragrances) per month). I just love making soap! Now I need to order supplies because I'm virtually on "E".

Rose Clearfield said...

Nice! I can't wait to see more new soaps. (And I'm still here reading even when I'm not commenting!)

Ivanna said...

Your soaps are fantastic! I've just started to make soap too, please see my website and comment. Thanx!

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Ha! Thanx Random:D I needed that !

Hi Ivanna, I'll check you out:D

Amy Warden said...

Yes, I've noticed the lack of comments too, hint, hint. :) Finally getting back into the swing of things. Got my kids back in school, hubby back to work. In other words, I got my house back to myself!! LOL! Btw, I agree - Black Raspberry & Vanilla is AWESOME.