Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bombs Away!!!

I swore I'd never make or sell bath bombs because, well, I just did for some stupid reason. Oh, how the mighty have fallen because now I can't stop making them-or at least trying to make them! I use a full one each time I give my self a poor woman's pedicure (meaning I do it myself...), and they not only soften the water, but my winter-weary feets as well. The bombs in this pic are just practice ones. I can make a perfect bomb in a shaped mold, but when I use my traditional bath bomb mold, they don't hold well and they crumble. So I practice and practice, and with each day, I practice some more...


Christine Barr said...

so cute, girl!! i love the big kiss bomb! you know what they say about old dogs, new tricks!! ;)

hope you are doing well... and for heavens sake, have a Merry Christmas!

hugs, christine

Anne-Marie said...

I love making bath fizzies. My latest obsession is making fizzy melts - so TONS of cocoa butter, a little shea butter and a bit of fizzy mixture. It doesn't fizz a whole lot but it definitely makes for a fantasticly soft body when you get out of the tub (oh, and a slippery tub so be careful).

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Christine! Hey stranger:D Happy Holidays to you...

Anne-Marie, how do you find the time of day to do all that you do? And preggers too?! I admire you:D