Sunday, October 20, 2013

Top 50 Baby!

This blog has been given new life! I received an email the other day, and to my complete surprise, I was informed that I was named one of the top 50 soap making blogs by Nature's Garden. If you don't know Nature's Garden, you better get your life, and go visit! I buy many, many of my supplies there, and I must say that this post was totally unsolicited. I perused the list, and I am in excellent company:)

I'm really honored because my blog has been collecting dust for most of the year, but I'm back baby! I have been in the lab kitchen cookin up some new goodies, so I'll be back to posting at least twice a week if not more. I've been re-tweaking my formulas, and brainstorming new ideas. My head hurts...

Thanks again to Deborah and the team at NG for this dubious honor. I've once again been inspired and motivated...

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