Monday, August 2, 2010

Neo Deo Now Available!

After much tinkering and tweaking, I've finally listed my Neo Deo all-natural deodorant! A very special thanks to all my lovely testers (Anna, Courtney, Myia...) who gave it a try and gave me some good feedback. One minor change to the formula is I had to put a little carnauba wax (vegan alternative to beeswax) in it so that it would firm up in these tubes. My original formula was way too soft, so the wax really helped things out.

I've been wearing my Neo for about a month and a half now, and it's held up nicely during these 100+ degree days we've had here in DC. I've been getting my aromatherapy in too with this deodorant. I love how I can smell all the delicious essential oils when my body temps rise. Check it out here!


Anonymous said...

Great Job Patrice! Your tubes look very nice. So are you a pit sniffer now? :) I find myself doing a sniff check frequently with the homemade deodorant and then giving a smug, satisfied grin because I smell GOOD and didn't need nasty chemicals to do it! :)

imelda said...

wow good for u. i wish u luck in ur business

Dori said...

Congrats on this! :) This is great!