Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Morning After Soap

 (I'm in love with these little rubber duckies...)

I'm so naughty. Now use your imagination....

I love the look of this white-ish soap. The poppy seeds really make it-pop. These bars are refreshing and invigorating. I named it The Morning After because it's the perfect soap for purging all the evils of the night before...I scented them very lightly with pure peppermint essential oil, and the poppy seeds really provide a scrubby boost. I hot processed these (Yes, I turned a method of soap making into a verb) which is becoming a major obsession. My technique is getting better and better because the finished bars aren't all choppy and gunky-looking like some traditional bars look (And, no, that's not an insult, just an observation.)

I'm going to dig into my Saponifier archives and attempt a hot processed swirl. I just got my order in from Soaper's Choice, so I have a little room to play and experiment!


Amy Warden said...

You are definitely getting the hang of the HP thang. (Sorry, had to make it rhyme!) Aside from the rough tops, which just add great texture, I'd have a hard time distinguishing it from CP!

bianca said...

Hi! I love the poppyseed soap. I used to make an Egyptian musk with poppyseeds but the oil was too hard to work with. I'm still on the hunt for a good Egyptian musk FO. My friends keep asking me to make it again. It's nice to see your off to a good start in 2011. BTW its Bianca from the no longer earjoint. I've got a diff blog now that u might like!

Anne-Marie said...

You are totally right, the poppy seeds really do make the soap pop! I love it. And great job with the HP, doesn't it feel great when you start to get the hang of a new technique? =)

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Thanks my friends:D I'm really loving this soap!

bianca-hey stranger! i'll be checking out the new blog:D

Christine Barr said...

hey patrice! happy new year! i love how you're evolving in your soapmaking. i am getting better at making my crock soap look less choppy myself. isn't it fun?? i wanna learn better swirling/coloring techniques for hp soap too, so do share!!


Amanda said...

Looks good! I wouldn't have guessed it was HP so you are on a roll! Love the poppy seeds. :)