Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Karma's A Bitch, Aint It?

I really believe this because I've seen it happen to others, and I've experienced it on occasion myself believe it or not. Oh, about a few bitch posts ago, I complained about crafters and artisans who took ugly-ass pictures and expected people to buy their stuff. Boy, did that remark bite me in the ass because my pictures lately have sucked! I blamed it on the lighting, the weather, the soap....Now, that I've conceded, my pictures have gotten remarkably better. Here's a sampling. They're not magazine-worthy, but a vast improvement.

Brown Sugar Baby-Before



Sophisticated Lady-Before

Big freakin difference, right?


Ellia C. Naturals said...

Hey Lady! Were you able to get the changes you wanted just from reading the manual (saw your FB post) or did you get a new camera? The pics look great :)

Holly said...

I think the new pics look great. It seems the colors are coming through much more in comparison to the old ones. I find taking pictures so difficult!

Pattie said...

I take about 30 pictures before I can narrow it down to 4 that I want to maybe think about re-taking lol

Your re-dos are great! Love the texture and color :)

Burnt Mill Candles and Soap said...

nice upgrades on the pictures
you did remind me I never made it through my whole manual maybe I should dig mine out again who knows what is in there :)

Amy Warden said...

Huge difference! The colors are so much truer - great job!

Babes Mami said...

Om my WOW that's a difference, they looked pretty to me before but now they look amazing!! Big difference!

Anonymous said...

Wow...looks great, girlie-girl!

Ruth said...

I think your befores looked pretty good, better than mine! I'd say the best improvement was on the last one.

Erica P. said...

You're too funny. My photos could use some work, too. If I had time, I'd learn to use my camera and get real creative. As it stands now, I just pump out the pictures assemby line style and move on.

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Yes!!! These pics were actually taken with the same camera. I got a clue, and read the manual, lol! My ISO was way too low, and I wasn't holding the shutter long enough to get the macro thingy to kick in. You also must have lots of light!

******* said...

Wow, what a difference! The last one is especially beautiful!

RaesMom said...

The after shots are really good. I admit that a lot of times I rush pics for eBay and they don't turn out that great. I need to learn more about my camera and get off the auto setting once and for all.

jenn said...

The after shots ARE better...what did you do differently?

Arnita said...

The new pics look great! How have you been?