Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Edward Cullen

Ok, let me just put it out there: Yes, I am a Twilight fan-of the books, but not the movies (That's a whole 'nother post in itself, but I digress-as usual)! When I read the first book, Twilight, I was hooked. It was well-written (for a non-reader of books like myself. I'm more of the glossy magazine type) and a true page-turner, and that sucker is over 500 pages. Now, with that being said, I love Edward Cullen! If I met a vampire as charming and loving as he, I’d be like bite me baby! Now, there’s Twilight stuff all over the net-most of it reproductions made into anything from t-shirts, to drinking glasses, to scrabble tile pendants. We’ve seen it all, but I wanted my homage, if you will, to be a little more original and genuine. I decided to create a soap that bears no resemblance to the movies, but to the essence of the character. While the Cullen vampires can withstand sunlight, their skins sparkle like faceted diamonds-giving away the fact that they’re different from the humans. 

The body of this soap is yellow, representing the sun or daylight. The reddish/orange hue is for blood of course, and the top is embellished with gold soap glitter for the Cullen complexion. And of course, this soap is vegan-no animal fats used to make this soap. Corny and/or hokey? Yeah, probably, but who cares? It’s soap with a storyline, and it’s scented in bergamot, mandarin, and blood orange essential oil. So, whatcha think?


Yummy said...
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Anonymous said...

I suppose it may be a little corny (this coming from a not-Twilight fan...however my daughter is), but that soap just looks so fabulous! And I totally get the glitter thing.

Kay | UPrinting said...

I am a big twilight fan too! And Edward Cullen is the most romantic vampire ever. I love the fact that you put in a little something like the blood details of the soap. So nice!

Ruth said...

Neat! You know, I saw Robert Pattinson in an interview once and he said he actually gets fans coming up to him (teenage girls usually) asking him to bite them!

Bella Enveeus said...

I think this is brilliant! Your idea and how the soap turns out to be.. ;)

Amy W said...

I think you've captured the heart of Edward in a soap! Great job!

yummy suds said...

I lOVE this!!!!
We must be on the same wave length bc I made a soap called Bella :)

Not as pretty as yours. This is a beautiful bar, P!! :)

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Thanks Twilight sisters, lol!

I was told on FB that this isn't the "true" essence of Edward Cullen, but it's all good. My decision to name the soap Edward Cullen didn't come about until I saw the finished product. Anyway, I'm glad you all like it:)

Unknown said...

Great idea :) I hear you

Anne-Marie said...

He he. I loved the entire Twilight series (hanging head). I'm glad to see that you're a TwiHard too. The soap looks great; very interesting and fun.

Felisa Casas M said...


Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

So creative of you!

Miss Val's Creations said...

This soap looks divine! I love the story behind it....just like Edward's glow!

jenn said...

I love it!

New Orleans Hotels said...

I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but i would appreciate if you can answer.What is the best soap for making soap flowers? I need a soap where i can make shallow cuts and small designs.?I have tried Ivory and Dove. Ivory works great for just carving, but for intricate works, it just crumbles. I need something that can handle small cuts and doesn't fall apart.

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

@ New Orleans Hotels:

You might want to try the regular, glycerin melt and pour variety. They're way more pliable than detergent bars. You can buy small packages of melt and pour soap at Michael's or other craft stores to test them to see if it's something you might like.

Kia - Petals Bath Boutique said...

I was told on FB that this isn't the "true" essence of Edward Cullen...

Whatever. From what I remember Edward's scent was described as Sunshine and Honey. If I had to pick a fragrance for "sunshine" it would be citrus.